Thursday, June 7, 2012

Venezuealan Deputy on the "Number One Enemy of Latin America"

from Noticias 24:
(Caracas, 07 June. Noticias24) – The Deputy to Parliament for the Socialist Party (PSUV), Roy Daza, expressed that "the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH) has no alternative but to disappear completely."

Adding at the 42nd Assembly of the Organization of American States, "an historic moment has been reached where some important decisions have been taken, the outcome of which highlight the respect for sovereignty," of Latin American countries.

"There is no alternative but for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to be definitively disbanded. It has become an office managed by the warmongers of the United States," reiterated the Deputy.

In the same regard, he claimed that "the United Nations needs to undergo a reorganization, as do other (international) institutions."

Roy Daza reiterated that, "we people of Latin America can build our own CDH (Human Rights monitoring organization) in the Community of Latin American and Carribean States (CELAC) and in the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR)."

The Deputy of Parliament stated the United States "is the number one enemies of Latin America and of the whole world," and added that the CIDH is, "an office of enemies who only function to call on the telephone and comply with petitions" with the North American country.

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