Our son Billy Six was arrested in Venezuela on 17.11.2018 by the Venezuelan secret service SEBIN at the beach hotel "Los Taques" in Punto Fijo, Venezuela, and has since been detained in the intelligence prison of the SEBIN "El Helicoide" in Caracas.
On 18.11.2018 he was told that he should be charged with "espionage", "rebellion" and "violation of security zones" before a military court. These allegations are without foundation.
He has been denied any contact with a lawyer, German Embassy or family since his detention.
The German Embassy in Caracas has been trying in vain to get at least a visitor's permit. So far, the embassy has only confirmed the arrest of Billy orally.
Our son has reported as a freelance journalist on the conditions in Venezuela. We are very worried that in this way he should now be locked away for a long time.
Billy Six had become infected with dengue fever before he was imprisoned. The medicine were taken from him during his detention. Prolonged detention without medical care could cost him his life.
Since Thursday, 13.12.2018 our son Billy has gone on hunger strike to enforce at least his most elementary rights.
We are the parents of Billy and fight for his immediate release from the illegal and unlawful detention. To unite the forces, gather all the information in one place and create a platform for all to support Billy, we have set up a Facebook page. Here are all the details of the circumstances, the charges and his hunger strike.
We would be happy if you support Billy by liking this page.
In addition, Billy is greatly helped if his case becomes known worldwide, putting pressure on those responsible in Venezuela to force Billy's release. Therefore, we also look forward to sharing the page and the latest information.
Thank you so much
Ute and Edward Six
(Parents of Billy Six)